View Source Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.ConfigurationPropertiesReport (grizzly v8.6.1)

This command is used to advertise the properties of a configuration parameter.


  • :param_number - This field is used to specify which configuration parameter (required)

  • read_only - This field is used to indicate if the parameter is read-only. (optional - v4+)

  • :altering_capabilities: - This field is used to indicate if the advertised parameter triggers a change in the node’s capabilities. (optional - v4+)

  • :format - This field is used to advertise the format of the parameter, one of :signed_integer, :unsigned_integer, :enumerated, :bit_field (required)

  • :size - This field is used to advertise the size of the actual parameter, one of 0, 1, 2, 4

          The advertised size MUST also apply to the fields Min Value, Max Value, Default Value carried in
          this command. (required)
  • :min_value - This field advertises the minimum value that the actual parameter can assume.

               If the parameter is Bit field, this field MUST be set to 0. (required if size > 0 else omitted)
  • :max_value - This field advertises the maximum value that the actual parameter can assume.

               If the parameter is Bit field, each individual supported bit MUST be set to 1, while each un-
               supported bit of MUST be set to 0. (required if size > 0 else omitted)
  • :default_value - This field MUST advertise the default value of the actual parameter (required if size > 0 else omitted)

  • :next_param_number - This field advertises the next available (possibly non-sequential) configuration parameter, else 0 (required)

  • :advanced - This field is used to indicate if the advertised parameter is to be presented in the “Advanced”

              parameter section in the controller GUI. (optional - v4+)
  • :no_bulk_support - This field is used to advertise if the sending node supports Bulk Commands. (optional - v4+)



@type param() ::
  {:param_number, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:read_only, boolean() | nil}
  | {:altering_capabilities, boolean() | nil}
  | {:format, Grizzly.ZWave.CommandClasses.Configuration.format()}
  | {:size, 0 | 1 | 2 | 4}
  | {:min_value, integer() | nil}
  | {:max_value, integer() | nil}
  | {:default_value, integer() | nil}
  | {:next_param_number, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:advanced, boolean() | nil}
  | {:no_bulk_support, boolean() | nil}