Grizzly.ZWave.DSK (grizzly v8.7.0)
View SourceModule for working with the SmartStart and S2 DSKs
The DSK binary is the elixir binary string form of the DSK
The DSK string is the string version of the DSK
Take a binary representation of the DSK and change it into the string representation
Make a new DSK
Extracts the NWI Home ID (the Home ID used by a SmartStart device when it is not yet included in a network) from the DSK.
Parse a textual representation of a DSK
Same as parse/1
but raises an ArgumentError if the DSK is invalid.
Parse a DSK PIN
Take a string representation of the DSK and change it into the binary representation
Return the first five digits of a DSK for use as a PIN
Convert the DSK to a string
Generate a DSK that is all zeros
@type dsk_binary() :: <<_::128>>
The DSK binary is the elixir binary string form of the DSK
The format is <<b1, b2, b3, ... b16>>
That is 16 bytes.
An example of this would be:
<<196, 109, 73, 131, 38, 196, 119, 227, 62, 101, 131, 175, 15, 165, 14, 39>>
@type dsk_string() :: <<_::376>>
The DSK string is the string version of the DSK
That is 8 blocks of 16 bit integers separated by a dash.
An example of this would be 50285-18819-09924-30691-15973-33711-04005-03623
@type t() :: %Grizzly.ZWave.DSK{raw: <<_::128>>}
@spec binary_to_string(dsk_binary()) :: {:ok, dsk_string()}
Take a binary representation of the DSK and change it into the string representation
Make a new DSK
If less than 16 bytes are passed in, the rest are initialized to zero. Due to how DSKs are constructed, odd length binaries aren't allowed since they should never be possible.
@spec nwi_home_id(t()) :: non_neg_integer()
Extracts the NWI Home ID (the Home ID used by a SmartStart device when it is not yet included in a network) from the DSK.
The NWI Home ID is calculated by taking bytes 9-12 of the DSK. Given this value, the two most significant bits are then set and the least significant bit is cleared.
@spec parse(dsk_string()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, :invalid_dsk}
Parse a textual representation of a DSK
@spec parse!(dsk_string()) :: t() | no_return()
Same as parse/1
but raises an ArgumentError if the DSK is invalid.
@spec parse_pin(String.t() | non_neg_integer()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, :invalid_dsk}
Parse a DSK PIN
PINs can also be parsed by parse/1
. When working with PINs, though, it's
nice to be more forgiving and accept PINs as integers or strings without
leading zeros.
String examples:
iex> {:ok, dsk} = DSK.parse_pin("12345"); dsk
iex> {:ok, dsk} = DSK.parse_pin("123"); dsk
Integer examples:
iex> {:ok, dsk} = DSK.parse_pin(12345); dsk
iex> {:ok, dsk} = DSK.parse_pin(123); dsk
@spec string_to_binary(dsk_string()) :: {:ok, dsk_binary()} | {:error, :invalid_dsk}
Take a string representation of the DSK and change it into the binary representation
Return the first five digits of a DSK for use as a PIN
iex> {:ok, dsk} = DSK.parse("50285-18819-09924-30691-15973-33711-04005-03623")
iex> DSK.to_pin_string(dsk)
iex> {:ok, dsk} = DSK.parse("00001-18819-09924-30691-15973-33711-04005-03623")
iex> DSK.to_pin_string(dsk)
Convert the DSK to a string
iex> {:ok, dsk} = DSK.parse("50285-18819-09924-30691-15973-33711-04005-03623")
iex> DSK.to_string(dsk)
iex> {:ok, dsk} = DSK.parse("50285-18819-09924-30691-15973-33711-04005-03623")
iex> DSK.to_string(dsk, delimiter: "")
- character to join the 5 byte sections together (default"-"
@spec zeros() :: t()
Generate a DSK that is all zeros
This is useful for placeholder/default DSKs.