View Source Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.NodeRemoveStatus (grizzly v8.5.3)

Z-Wave command for NODE_REMOVE_STATUS

This command is useful to respond to a Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.NodeRemove command.


  • :seq_number - the sequence number from the original node remove command
  • :status - the status of the result of the node removal
  • :node_id - the node id of the removed node
  • :command_class_version - explicitly set the command class version used to encode the command (optional - defaults to NetworkManagementInclusion v4)

When encoding the params you can encode for a specific command class version by passing the :command_class_version to the encode options

Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.NodeRemoveStatus.encode_params(node_remove_status, command_class_version: 3)

If there is no command class version specified this will encode to version 4 of the NetworkManagementInclusion command class. This version supports the use of 16 bit node ids.



@type status() :: :done | :failed


@spec decode_status(byte()) ::
  {:ok, status()} | {:error, Grizzly.ZWave.DecodeError.t()}
@spec encode_status(status()) :: 6 | 7