Grizzly.VirtualDevices.Device behaviour (grizzly v8.7.0)

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Behaviour for implementing virtual device specifics



Optional device options that are passed with calling implemented callbacks


A module that implements this behaviour


Return the device specification

Handle a Z-Wave command

Set the virtual device's id once added to the (virtual) Z-Wave network.



@type device_opt() :: {atom(), term()}

Optional device options that are passed with calling implemented callbacks

This can be whatever extra information the consumer might need the device to know about when executing the callback function.


@type t() :: module()

A module that implements this behaviour



@callback device_spec([device_opt()]) :: Grizzly.ZWave.DeviceClass.t()

Return the device specification

handle_command(t, list)

@callback handle_command(Grizzly.ZWave.Command.t(), [device_opt()]) ::
  | {:ok, Grizzly.ZWave.Command.t()}
  | {:notify, Grizzly.ZWave.Command.t()}
  | {:error, :timeout}

Handle a Z-Wave command

When handling a command you can reply, notify, or do nothing.

In Z-Wave if your device does not understand the command sent it ignores the command. For this case you'd return {:error, :timeout}.

When a command is received and your device supports the command and the command's parameters, you either respond with :ok or {:ok, Command.t()}. Normally, when you receive a "set" command you will want to response with :ok. When you receive a "get" command you will want to response the report command like {:ok, Command.t()}, where the Command.t() is whatever command report you want to send to the caller.

Often times, if your device reports changes that have been made due to handling a command, you can return {:notify, Command.t()}.

set_device_id(pid, id)

@callback set_device_id(pid(), :: :ok

Set the virtual device's id once added to the (virtual) Z-Wave network.