Grizzly.ZWave.DeviceClasses (grizzly v8.7.0)
View SourceZ-Wave device classes
Try to make a basic device class from a byte
Make a byte from a device class
Try to get the generic device class for the byte
Turn the generic device class into a byte
Try to get the specific device class from the byte given the generic device class
Make the specific device class into a byte
@type basic_device_class() ::
:controller | :static_controller | :end_node | :routing_end_node
@type generic_device_class() ::
| :static_controller
| :av_control_point
| :display
| :network_extender
| :appliance
| :sensor_notification
| :thermostat
| :window_covering
| :repeater_end_node
| :switch_binary
| :switch_multilevel
| :switch_remote
| :switch_toggle
| :zip_node
| :ventilation
| :security_panel
| :wall_controller
| :sensor_binary
| :sensor_multilevel
| :meter_pulse
| :meter
| :entry_control
| :semi_interoperable
| :sensor_alarm
| :non_interoperable
@type specific_device_class() ::
| :kitchen_appliance
| :laundry_appliance
| :sound_switch
| :satellite_receiver
| :satellite_receiver_v2
| :doorbell
| :simple_display
| :door_lock
| :advanced_door_lock
| :secure_keypad_door_lock
| :secure_keypad_door_lock_deadbolt
| :secure_door
| :secure_gate
| :secure_barrier_addon
| :secure_barrier_open_only
| :secure_barrier_close_only
| :secure_lockbox
| :secure_keypad
| :portable_remote_controller
| :portable_scene_controller
| :portable_installer_tool
| :remote_control_av
| :remote_control_simple
| :simple_meter
| :adv_energy_control
| :whole_home_meter_simple
| :secure_extender
| :repeater_end_node
| :virtual_node
| :ir_repeater
| :zoned_security_panel
| :energy_production
| :basic_routing_alarm_sensor
| :routing_alarm_sensor
| :basic_zensor_net_alarm_sensor
| :zensor_net_alarm_sensor
| :adv_zensor_net_alarm_sensor
| :basic_routing_smoke_sensor
| :routing_smoke_sensor
| :basic_zensor_net_smoke_sensor
| :zensor_net_smoke_sensor
| :adv_zensor_net_smoke_sensor
| :alarm_sensor
| :routing_sensor_binary
| :routing_sensor_multilevel
| :chimney_fan
| :notification_sensor
| :pc_controller
| :scene_controller
| :static_installer_tool
| :set_top_box
| :sub_system_controller
| :tv
| :gateway
| :power_switch_binary
| :color_tunable_binary
| :scene_switch_binary
| :power_strip
| :siren
| :valve_open_close
| :irrigation_controller
| :power_switch_multilevel
| :color_tunable_multilevel
| :motor_multiposition
| :scene_switch_multilevel
| :class_a_motor_control
| :class_b_motor_control
| :class_c_motor_control
| :fan_switch
| :switch_remote_binary
| :switch_remote_multilevel
| :switch_remote_toggle_binary
| :switch_remote_toggle_multilevel
| :switch_toggle_binary
| :switch_toggle_multilevel
| :thermostat_heating
| :thermostat_general
| :setback_schedule_thermostat
| :setpoint_thermostat
| :setback_thermostat
| :thermostat_general_v2
| :residential_hrv
| :basic_wall_controller
| :simple_window_covering
| :not_used
| :zip_tun_node
| :zip_adv_node
@spec basic_device_class_from_byte(byte()) :: {:ok, basic_device_class()} | {:ok, :unknown}
Try to make a basic device class from a byte
@spec basic_device_class_to_byte(basic_device_class()) :: byte()
Make a byte from a device class
@spec generic_device_class_from_byte(byte()) :: {:ok, generic_device_class()} | {:ok, :unknown}
Try to get the generic device class for the byte
@spec generic_device_class_to_byte(generic_device_class()) :: byte()
Turn the generic device class into a byte
@spec specific_device_class_from_byte(generic_device_class(), byte()) :: {:ok, specific_device_class()} | {:ok, :unknown}
Try to get the specific device class from the byte given the generic device class
@spec specific_device_class_to_byte(generic_device_class(), specific_device_class()) :: byte()
Make the specific device class into a byte