Grizzly.Inclusions.NetworkAdapter behaviour (grizzly v8.7.0)
View SourceBehaviour for inclusions to use to talk to the network
Start the inclusion process
Stop an inclusion process
Establish any a connection the including device id
Grant the S2 keys allowed for the including device
Handle when a command times out
Initialize the adapter
Set the controller into learn mode
Stop the controller from being in learn mode
Start the exclusion process
Stop the exclusion process
Set the input DSK for the including device
@callback add_node(state(), [Grizzly.Inclusions.opt()]) :: {:ok, state()}
Start the inclusion process
Stop an inclusion process
@callback connect(Grizzly.ZWave.node_id()) :: :ok
Establish any a connection the including device id
@callback grant_s2_keys([Grizzly.ZWave.Security.key()], state()) :: {:ok, state()}
Grant the S2 keys allowed for the including device
@callback handle_timeout(Grizzly.Inclusions.status(), reference(), state()) :: {Grizzly.Inclusions.status(), state()}
Handle when a command times out
This function returns the new status of the inclusion server
@callback init() :: {:ok, state()}
Initialize the adapter
@callback learn_mode(state(), [Grizzly.Inclusions.opt()]) :: {:ok, state()}
Set the controller into learn mode
Stop the controller from being in learn mode
@callback remove_node(state(), [Grizzly.Inclusions.opt()]) :: {:ok, state()}
Start the exclusion process
Stop the exclusion process
@callback set_input_dsk(Grizzly.ZWave.DSK.t(), non_neg_integer(), state()) :: {:ok, state()}
Set the input DSK for the including device