Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.LearnModeSet (grizzly v8.7.0)
View SourceThis command is used to allow a node to be added to (or removed from) the network. When a node is added to the network, the node is assigned a valid Home ID and NodeID.
- a command sequence number:return_interview_status
- This field is used to request that the receiving node returns an additional Learn Mode Set StatusCommand when the node interview is completed. It is set to either :on or :off. (optional - defaults to :off)
- The Mode field controls operation to one of :disable, :direct_range_only (immediate range inclusions only), or :allow_routed (accept routed inclusion)
@type mode() :: :disable | :direct_range_only | :allow_routed
@type param() :: {:seq_number, Grizzly.ZWave.seq_number()} | {:return_interview_status, :on | :off} | {:mode, mode()}