View Source Evision.LineDescriptor (Evision v0.2.7)




Type that represents an LineDescriptor struct.


@type t() :: %Evision.LineDescriptor{ref: reference()}

Type that represents an LineDescriptor struct.

  • ref. reference()

    The underlying erlang resource variable.


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@spec drawKeylines(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
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drawKeylines(image, keylines)

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Draws keylines.

Positional Arguments
  • image: Evision.Mat.

    input image

  • keylines: [Evision.LineDescriptor.KeyLine].

    keylines to be drawn

Keyword Arguments
  • color: Evision.scalar().

    color of lines to be drawn (if set to defaul value, color is chosen randomly)

  • flags: integer().

    drawing flags

  • outImage: Evision.Mat.t().

    output image to draw on

Python prototype (for reference only):

drawKeylines(image, keylines[, outImage[, color[, flags]]]) -> outImage
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drawKeylines(image, keylines, opts)

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@spec drawKeylines(
  [color: term(), flags: term()] | nil
) :: Evision.Mat.t() | {:error, String.t()}

Draws keylines.

Positional Arguments
  • image: Evision.Mat.

    input image

  • keylines: [Evision.LineDescriptor.KeyLine].

    keylines to be drawn

Keyword Arguments
  • color: Evision.scalar().

    color of lines to be drawn (if set to defaul value, color is chosen randomly)

  • flags: integer().

    drawing flags

  • outImage: Evision.Mat.t().

    output image to draw on

Python prototype (for reference only):

drawKeylines(image, keylines[, outImage[, color[, flags]]]) -> outImage
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@spec drawLineMatches(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
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drawLineMatches(img1, keylines1, img2, keylines2, matches1to2)

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Draws the found matches of keylines from two images.

Positional Arguments
  • img1: Evision.Mat.

    first image

  • keylines1: [Evision.LineDescriptor.KeyLine].

    keylines extracted from first image

  • img2: Evision.Mat.

    second image

  • keylines2: [Evision.LineDescriptor.KeyLine].

    keylines extracted from second image

  • matches1to2: [Evision.DMatch].

    vector of matches

Keyword Arguments
  • matchColor: Evision.scalar().

    drawing color for matches (chosen randomly in case of default value)

  • singleLineColor: Evision.scalar().

    drawing color for keylines (chosen randomly in case of default value)

  • matchesMask: [char].

    mask to indicate which matches must be drawn

  • flags: integer().

    drawing flags, see DrawLinesMatchesFlags

  • outImg: Evision.Mat.t().

    output matrix to draw on

Note: If both matchColor and singleLineColor are set to their default values, function draws matched lines and line connecting them with same color

Python prototype (for reference only):

drawLineMatches(img1, keylines1, img2, keylines2, matches1to2[, outImg[, matchColor[, singleLineColor[, matchesMask[, flags]]]]]) -> outImg
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drawLineMatches(img1, keylines1, img2, keylines2, matches1to2, opts)

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@spec drawLineMatches(
    flags: term(),
    matchColor: term(),
    matchesMask: term(),
    singleLineColor: term()
  | nil
) :: Evision.Mat.t() | {:error, String.t()}

Draws the found matches of keylines from two images.

Positional Arguments
  • img1: Evision.Mat.

    first image

  • keylines1: [Evision.LineDescriptor.KeyLine].

    keylines extracted from first image

  • img2: Evision.Mat.

    second image

  • keylines2: [Evision.LineDescriptor.KeyLine].

    keylines extracted from second image

  • matches1to2: [Evision.DMatch].

    vector of matches

Keyword Arguments
  • matchColor: Evision.scalar().

    drawing color for matches (chosen randomly in case of default value)

  • singleLineColor: Evision.scalar().

    drawing color for keylines (chosen randomly in case of default value)

  • matchesMask: [char].

    mask to indicate which matches must be drawn

  • flags: integer().

    drawing flags, see DrawLinesMatchesFlags

  • outImg: Evision.Mat.t().

    output matrix to draw on

Note: If both matchColor and singleLineColor are set to their default values, function draws matched lines and line connecting them with same color

Python prototype (for reference only):

drawLineMatches(img1, keylines1, img2, keylines2, matches1to2[, outImg[, matchColor[, singleLineColor[, matchesMask[, flags]]]]]) -> outImg