View Source Evision.XFeatures2D (Evision v0.2.9)




Type that represents an XFeatures2D struct.


GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) feature matching strategy described in @cite Bian2017gms .

GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) feature matching strategy described in @cite Bian2017gms .

LOGOS (Local geometric support for high-outlier spatial verification) feature matching strategy described in @cite Lowry2018LOGOSLG .


@type t() :: %Evision.XFeatures2D{ref: reference()}

Type that represents an XFeatures2D struct.

  • ref. reference()

    The underlying erlang resource variable.


@spec matchGMS(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
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matchGMS(size1, size2, keypoints1, keypoints2, matches1to2)

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@spec matchGMS(
  {number(), number()},
  {number(), number()},
) :: [Evision.DMatch.t()] | {:error, String.t()}

GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) feature matching strategy described in @cite Bian2017gms .

Positional Arguments
  • size1: Size.

    Input size of image1.

  • size2: Size.

    Input size of image2.

  • keypoints1: [Evision.KeyPoint].

    Input keypoints of image1.

  • keypoints2: [Evision.KeyPoint].

    Input keypoints of image2.

  • matches1to2: [Evision.DMatch].

    Input 1-nearest neighbor matches.

Keyword Arguments
  • withRotation: bool.

    Take rotation transformation into account.

  • withScale: bool.

    Take scale transformation into account.

  • thresholdFactor: double.

    The higher, the less matches.

  • matchesGMS: [Evision.DMatch].

    Matches returned by the GMS matching strategy.

Note: Since GMS works well when the number of features is large, we recommend to use the ORB feature and set FastThreshold to 0 to get as many as possible features quickly. If matching results are not satisfying, please add more features. (We use 10000 for images with 640 X 480). If your images have big rotation and scale changes, please set withRotation or withScale to true.

Python prototype (for reference only):

matchGMS(size1, size2, keypoints1, keypoints2, matches1to2[, withRotation[, withScale[, thresholdFactor]]]) -> matchesGMS
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matchGMS(size1, size2, keypoints1, keypoints2, matches1to2, opts)

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@spec matchGMS(
  {number(), number()},
  {number(), number()},
  [thresholdFactor: term(), withRotation: term(), withScale: term()] | nil
) :: [Evision.DMatch.t()] | {:error, String.t()}

GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) feature matching strategy described in @cite Bian2017gms .

Positional Arguments
  • size1: Size.

    Input size of image1.

  • size2: Size.

    Input size of image2.

  • keypoints1: [Evision.KeyPoint].

    Input keypoints of image1.

  • keypoints2: [Evision.KeyPoint].

    Input keypoints of image2.

  • matches1to2: [Evision.DMatch].

    Input 1-nearest neighbor matches.

Keyword Arguments
  • withRotation: bool.

    Take rotation transformation into account.

  • withScale: bool.

    Take scale transformation into account.

  • thresholdFactor: double.

    The higher, the less matches.

  • matchesGMS: [Evision.DMatch].

    Matches returned by the GMS matching strategy.

Note: Since GMS works well when the number of features is large, we recommend to use the ORB feature and set FastThreshold to 0 to get as many as possible features quickly. If matching results are not satisfying, please add more features. (We use 10000 for images with 640 X 480). If your images have big rotation and scale changes, please set withRotation or withScale to true.

Python prototype (for reference only):

matchGMS(size1, size2, keypoints1, keypoints2, matches1to2[, withRotation[, withScale[, thresholdFactor]]]) -> matchesGMS
@spec matchLOGOS(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
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matchLOGOS(keypoints1, keypoints2, nn1, nn2)

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@spec matchLOGOS([Evision.KeyPoint.t()], [Evision.KeyPoint.t()], [integer()], [
]) ::
  [Evision.DMatch.t()] | {:error, String.t()}

LOGOS (Local geometric support for high-outlier spatial verification) feature matching strategy described in @cite Lowry2018LOGOSLG .

Positional Arguments
  • keypoints1: [Evision.KeyPoint].

    Input keypoints of image1.

  • keypoints2: [Evision.KeyPoint].

    Input keypoints of image2.

  • nn1: [integer()].

    Index to the closest BoW centroid for each descriptors of image1.

  • nn2: [integer()].

    Index to the closest BoW centroid for each descriptors of image2.

  • matches1to2: [Evision.DMatch].

    Matches returned by the LOGOS matching strategy.

Note: This matching strategy is suitable for features matching against large scale database. First step consists in constructing the bag-of-words (BoW) from a representative image database. Image descriptors are then represented by their closest codevector (nearest BoW centroid).

Python prototype (for reference only):

matchLOGOS(keypoints1, keypoints2, nn1, nn2) -> matches1to2