View Source Evision.SimpleBlobDetector.Params (Evision v0.2.7)




Type that represents an SimpleBlobDetector.Params struct.


@type t() :: %Evision.SimpleBlobDetector.Params{ref: reference()}

Type that represents an SimpleBlobDetector.Params struct.

  • ref. reference()

    The underlying erlang resource variable.


@spec get_blobColor(t()) :: integer()
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@spec get_collectContours(t()) :: boolean()
@spec get_filterByArea(t()) :: boolean()
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@spec get_filterByCircularity(t()) :: boolean()
@spec get_filterByColor(t()) :: boolean()
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@spec get_filterByConvexity(t()) :: boolean()
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@spec get_filterByInertia(t()) :: boolean()
@spec get_maxArea(t()) :: number()
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@spec get_maxCircularity(t()) :: number()
@spec get_maxConvexity(t()) :: number()
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@spec get_maxInertiaRatio(t()) :: number()
@spec get_maxThreshold(t()) :: number()
@spec get_minArea(t()) :: number()
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@spec get_minCircularity(t()) :: number()
@spec get_minConvexity(t()) :: number()
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@spec get_minDistBetweenBlobs(t()) :: number()
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@spec get_minInertiaRatio(t()) :: number()
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@spec get_minRepeatability(t()) :: integer()
@spec get_minThreshold(t()) :: number()
@spec get_thresholdStep(t()) :: number()
@spec params() :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


  • self: Evision.SimpleBlobDetector.Params.t()

Python prototype (for reference only):

SimpleBlobDetector_Params() -> <SimpleBlobDetector_Params object>
@spec params(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
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set_blobColor(self, prop)

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@spec set_blobColor(t(), integer()) :: t()
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set_collectContours(self, prop)

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@spec set_collectContours(t(), boolean()) :: t()
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set_filterByArea(self, prop)

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@spec set_filterByArea(t(), boolean()) :: t()
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set_filterByCircularity(self, prop)

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@spec set_filterByCircularity(t(), boolean()) :: t()
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set_filterByColor(self, prop)

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@spec set_filterByColor(t(), boolean()) :: t()
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set_filterByConvexity(self, prop)

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@spec set_filterByConvexity(t(), boolean()) :: t()
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set_filterByInertia(self, prop)

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@spec set_filterByInertia(t(), boolean()) :: t()
@spec set_maxArea(t(), number()) :: t()
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set_maxCircularity(self, prop)

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@spec set_maxCircularity(t(), number()) :: t()
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set_maxConvexity(self, prop)

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@spec set_maxConvexity(t(), number()) :: t()
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set_maxInertiaRatio(self, prop)

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@spec set_maxInertiaRatio(t(), number()) :: t()
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set_maxThreshold(self, prop)

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@spec set_maxThreshold(t(), number()) :: t()
@spec set_minArea(t(), number()) :: t()
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set_minCircularity(self, prop)

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@spec set_minCircularity(t(), number()) :: t()
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set_minConvexity(self, prop)

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@spec set_minConvexity(t(), number()) :: t()
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set_minDistBetweenBlobs(self, prop)

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@spec set_minDistBetweenBlobs(t(), number()) :: t()
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set_minInertiaRatio(self, prop)

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@spec set_minInertiaRatio(t(), number()) :: t()
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set_minRepeatability(self, prop)

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@spec set_minRepeatability(t(), integer()) :: t()
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set_minThreshold(self, prop)

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@spec set_minThreshold(t(), number()) :: t()
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set_thresholdStep(self, prop)

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@spec set_thresholdStep(t(), number()) :: t()