View Source Evision.ML.RTrees (Evision v0.2.9)




Type that represents an ML.RTrees struct.


Computes error on the training or test dataset

Computes error on the training or test dataset

Clears the algorithm state










Returns the number of variables in training samples


Returns true if the model is classifier

Returns true if the model is trained

Loads and creates a serialized RTree from a file

Loads and creates a serialized RTree from a file

Predicts response(s) for the provided sample(s)

Predicts response(s) for the provided sample(s)

Reads algorithm parameters from a file storage










Trains the statistical model

Trains the statistical model

Trains the statistical model

Stores algorithm parameters in a file storage


@type t() :: %Evision.ML.RTrees{ref: reference()}

Type that represents an ML.RTrees struct.

  • ref. reference()

    The underlying erlang resource variable.


@spec calcError(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
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calcError(self, data, test)

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@spec calcError(t(), Evision.ML.TrainData.t(), boolean()) ::
  {number(), Evision.Mat.t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Computes error on the training or test dataset

Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

  • data: Evision.ML.TrainData.t().

    the training data

  • test: bool.

    if true, the error is computed over the test subset of the data, otherwise it's computed over the training subset of the data. Please note that if you loaded a completely different dataset to evaluate already trained classifier, you will probably want not to set the test subset at all with TrainData::setTrainTestSplitRatio and specify test=false, so that the error is computed for the whole new set. Yes, this sounds a bit confusing.

  • retval: float

  • resp: Evision.Mat.t().

    the optional output responses.

The method uses StatModel::predict to compute the error. For regression models the error is computed as RMS, for classifiers - as a percent of missclassified samples (0%-100%).

Python prototype (for reference only):

calcError(data, test[, resp]) -> retval, resp
Link to this function

calcError(self, data, test, opts)

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@spec calcError(
  [{atom(), term()}, ...] | nil
) ::
  {number(), Evision.Mat.t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Computes error on the training or test dataset

Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

  • data: Evision.ML.TrainData.t().

    the training data

  • test: bool.

    if true, the error is computed over the test subset of the data, otherwise it's computed over the training subset of the data. Please note that if you loaded a completely different dataset to evaluate already trained classifier, you will probably want not to set the test subset at all with TrainData::setTrainTestSplitRatio and specify test=false, so that the error is computed for the whole new set. Yes, this sounds a bit confusing.

  • retval: float

  • resp: Evision.Mat.t().

    the optional output responses.

The method uses StatModel::predict to compute the error. For regression models the error is computed as RMS, for classifiers - as a percent of missclassified samples (0%-100%).

Python prototype (for reference only):

calcError(data, test[, resp]) -> retval, resp
@spec clear(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec clear(t()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}

Clears the algorithm state

Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

Python prototype (for reference only):

clear() -> None
@spec create() :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


  • retval: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

Creates the empty model. Use StatModel::train to train the model, StatModel::train to create and train the model, Algorithm::load to load the pre-trained model.

Python prototype (for reference only):

create() -> retval
@spec create(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec empty(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec empty(t()) :: boolean() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: bool

Python prototype (for reference only):

empty() -> retval
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@spec getActiveVarCount(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getActiveVarCount(t()) :: integer() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: integer()

@see setActiveVarCount/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getActiveVarCount() -> retval
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@spec getCalculateVarImportance(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getCalculateVarImportance(t()) :: boolean() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: bool

@see setCalculateVarImportance/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getCalculateVarImportance() -> retval
@spec getCVFolds(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getCVFolds(t()) :: integer() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: integer()

@see setCVFolds/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getCVFolds() -> retval
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@spec getDefaultName(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getDefaultName(t()) :: binary() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

Returns the algorithm string identifier. This string is used as top level xml/yml node tag when the object is saved to a file or string.

Python prototype (for reference only):

getDefaultName() -> retval
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@spec getMaxCategories(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getMaxCategories(t()) :: integer() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: integer()

@see setMaxCategories/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getMaxCategories() -> retval
@spec getMaxDepth(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getMaxDepth(t()) :: integer() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: integer()

@see setMaxDepth/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getMaxDepth() -> retval
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@spec getMinSampleCount(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getMinSampleCount(t()) :: integer() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: integer()

@see setMinSampleCount/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getMinSampleCount() -> retval
@spec getOOBError(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getOOBError(t()) :: number() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: double

Returns the OOB error value, computed at the training stage when calcOOBError is set to true. If this flag was set to false, 0 is returned. The OOB error is also scaled by sample weighting.

Python prototype (for reference only):

getOOBError() -> retval
@spec getPriors(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getPriors(t()) :: Evision.Mat.t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: Evision.Mat.t()

@see setPriors/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getPriors() -> retval
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@spec getRegressionAccuracy(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getRegressionAccuracy(t()) :: number() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: float

@see setRegressionAccuracy/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getRegressionAccuracy() -> retval
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@spec getTermCriteria(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getTermCriteria(t()) :: {integer(), integer(), number()} | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: TermCriteria

@see setTermCriteria/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getTermCriteria() -> retval
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@spec getTruncatePrunedTree(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getTruncatePrunedTree(t()) :: boolean() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: bool

@see setTruncatePrunedTree/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getTruncatePrunedTree() -> retval
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@spec getUse1SERule(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getUse1SERule(t()) :: boolean() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: bool

@see setUse1SERule/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getUse1SERule() -> retval
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@spec getUseSurrogates(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getUseSurrogates(t()) :: boolean() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: bool

@see setUseSurrogates/2

Python prototype (for reference only):

getUseSurrogates() -> retval
@spec getVarCount(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getVarCount(t()) :: integer() | {:error, String.t()}

Returns the number of variables in training samples

Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: integer()

Python prototype (for reference only):

getVarCount() -> retval
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@spec getVarImportance(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec getVarImportance(t()) :: Evision.Mat.t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: Evision.Mat.t()

Returns the variable importance array. The method returns the variable importance vector, computed at the training stage when CalculateVarImportance is set to true. If this flag was set to false, the empty matrix is returned.

Python prototype (for reference only):

getVarImportance() -> retval
@spec getVotes(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
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getVotes(self, samples, flags)

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@spec getVotes(t(), Evision.Mat.maybe_mat_in(), integer()) ::
  Evision.Mat.t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

  • samples: Evision.Mat.

    Array containing the samples for which votes will be calculated.

  • flags: integer().

    Flags for defining the type of RTrees.

  • results: Evision.Mat.t().

    Array where the result of the calculation will be written.

Returns the result of each individual tree in the forest. In case the model is a regression problem, the method will return each of the trees' results for each of the sample cases. If the model is a classifier, it will return a Mat with samples + 1 rows, where the first row gives the class number and the following rows return the votes each class had for each sample.

Python prototype (for reference only):

getVotes(samples, flags[, results]) -> results
Link to this function

getVotes(self, samples, flags, opts)

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@spec getVotes(
  [{atom(), term()}, ...] | nil
) ::
  Evision.Mat.t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

  • samples: Evision.Mat.

    Array containing the samples for which votes will be calculated.

  • flags: integer().

    Flags for defining the type of RTrees.

  • results: Evision.Mat.t().

    Array where the result of the calculation will be written.

Returns the result of each individual tree in the forest. In case the model is a regression problem, the method will return each of the trees' results for each of the sample cases. If the model is a classifier, it will return a Mat with samples + 1 rows, where the first row gives the class number and the following rows return the votes each class had for each sample.

Python prototype (for reference only):

getVotes(samples, flags[, results]) -> results
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@spec isClassifier(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec isClassifier(t()) :: boolean() | {:error, String.t()}

Returns true if the model is classifier

Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: bool

Python prototype (for reference only):

isClassifier() -> retval
@spec isTrained(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec isTrained(t()) :: boolean() | {:error, String.t()}

Returns true if the model is trained

Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • retval: bool

Python prototype (for reference only):

isTrained() -> retval
@spec load(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec load(binary()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}

Loads and creates a serialized RTree from a file

Positional Arguments
  • filepath: String.

    path to serialized RTree

Keyword Arguments
  • nodeName: String.

    name of node containing the classifier

  • retval: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

Use RTree::save to serialize and store an RTree to disk. Load the RTree from this file again, by calling this function with the path to the file. Optionally specify the node for the file containing the classifier

Python prototype (for reference only):

load(filepath[, nodeName]) -> retval
@spec load(binary(), [{:nodeName, term()}] | nil) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}

Loads and creates a serialized RTree from a file

Positional Arguments
  • filepath: String.

    path to serialized RTree

Keyword Arguments
  • nodeName: String.

    name of node containing the classifier

  • retval: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

Use RTree::save to serialize and store an RTree to disk. Load the RTree from this file again, by calling this function with the path to the file. Optionally specify the node for the file containing the classifier

Python prototype (for reference only):

load(filepath[, nodeName]) -> retval
@spec predict(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec predict(t(), Evision.Mat.maybe_mat_in()) ::
  {number(), Evision.Mat.t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Predicts response(s) for the provided sample(s)

Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

  • samples: Evision.Mat.

    The input samples, floating-point matrix

Keyword Arguments
  • flags: integer().

    The optional flags, model-dependent. See cv::ml::StatModel::Flags.

  • retval: float

  • results: Evision.Mat.t().

    The optional output matrix of results.

Python prototype (for reference only):

predict(samples[, results[, flags]]) -> retval, results
Link to this function

predict(self, samples, opts)

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@spec predict(t(), Evision.Mat.maybe_mat_in(), [{:flags, term()}] | nil) ::
  {number(), Evision.Mat.t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Predicts response(s) for the provided sample(s)

Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

  • samples: Evision.Mat.

    The input samples, floating-point matrix

Keyword Arguments
  • flags: integer().

    The optional flags, model-dependent. See cv::ml::StatModel::Flags.

  • retval: float

  • results: Evision.Mat.t().

    The optional output matrix of results.

Python prototype (for reference only):

predict(samples[, results[, flags]]) -> retval, results
@spec read(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec read(t(), Evision.FileNode.t()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}

Reads algorithm parameters from a file storage

Positional Arguments

Python prototype (for reference only):

read(fn) -> None
@spec save(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec save(t(), binary()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • filename: String

Saves the algorithm to a file. In order to make this method work, the derived class must implement Algorithm::write(FileStorage& fs).

Python prototype (for reference only):

save(filename) -> None
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@spec setActiveVarCount(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
Link to this function

setActiveVarCount(self, val)

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@spec setActiveVarCount(t(), integer()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • val: integer()

@see getActiveVarCount/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setActiveVarCount(val) -> None
Link to this function


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@spec setCalculateVarImportance(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
Link to this function

setCalculateVarImportance(self, val)

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@spec setCalculateVarImportance(t(), boolean()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • val: bool

@see getCalculateVarImportance/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setCalculateVarImportance(val) -> None
@spec setCVFolds(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec setCVFolds(t(), integer()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • val: integer()

@see getCVFolds/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setCVFolds(val) -> None
Link to this function


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@spec setMaxCategories(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
Link to this function

setMaxCategories(self, val)

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@spec setMaxCategories(t(), integer()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • val: integer()

@see getMaxCategories/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setMaxCategories(val) -> None
@spec setMaxDepth(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec setMaxDepth(t(), integer()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • val: integer()

@see getMaxDepth/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setMaxDepth(val) -> None
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@spec setMinSampleCount(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
Link to this function

setMinSampleCount(self, val)

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@spec setMinSampleCount(t(), integer()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • val: integer()

@see getMinSampleCount/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setMinSampleCount(val) -> None
@spec setPriors(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec setPriors(t(), Evision.Mat.maybe_mat_in()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments

@see getPriors/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setPriors(val) -> None
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@spec setRegressionAccuracy(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
Link to this function

setRegressionAccuracy(self, val)

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@spec setRegressionAccuracy(t(), number()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • val: float

@see getRegressionAccuracy/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setRegressionAccuracy(val) -> None
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@spec setTermCriteria(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
Link to this function

setTermCriteria(self, val)

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@spec setTermCriteria(t(), {integer(), integer(), number()}) ::
  t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • val: TermCriteria

@see getTermCriteria/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setTermCriteria(val) -> None
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@spec setTruncatePrunedTree(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
Link to this function

setTruncatePrunedTree(self, val)

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@spec setTruncatePrunedTree(t(), boolean()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • val: bool

@see getTruncatePrunedTree/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setTruncatePrunedTree(val) -> None
Link to this function


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@spec setUse1SERule(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
Link to this function

setUse1SERule(self, val)

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@spec setUse1SERule(t(), boolean()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • val: bool

@see getUse1SERule/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setUse1SERule(val) -> None
Link to this function


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@spec setUseSurrogates(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
Link to this function

setUseSurrogates(self, val)

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@spec setUseSurrogates(t(), boolean()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()
  • val: bool

@see getUseSurrogates/1

Python prototype (for reference only):

setUseSurrogates(val) -> None
@spec train(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec train(t(), Evision.ML.TrainData.t()) :: boolean() | {:error, String.t()}

Trains the statistical model

Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

  • trainData: Evision.ML.TrainData.t().

    training data that can be loaded from file using TrainData::loadFromCSV or created with TrainData::create.

Keyword Arguments
  • flags: integer().

    optional flags, depending on the model. Some of the models can be updated with the new training samples, not completely overwritten (such as NormalBayesClassifier or ANN_MLP).

  • retval: bool

Python prototype (for reference only):

train(trainData[, flags]) -> retval
Link to this function

train(self, trainData, opts)

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@spec train(t(), Evision.ML.TrainData.t(), [{:flags, term()}] | nil) ::
  boolean() | {:error, String.t()}

Trains the statistical model

Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

  • trainData: Evision.ML.TrainData.t().

    training data that can be loaded from file using TrainData::loadFromCSV or created with TrainData::create.

Keyword Arguments
  • flags: integer().

    optional flags, depending on the model. Some of the models can be updated with the new training samples, not completely overwritten (such as NormalBayesClassifier or ANN_MLP).

  • retval: bool

Python prototype (for reference only):

train(trainData[, flags]) -> retval
Link to this function

train(self, samples, layout, responses)

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@spec train(t(), Evision.Mat.maybe_mat_in(), integer(), Evision.Mat.maybe_mat_in()) ::
  boolean() | {:error, String.t()}

Trains the statistical model

Positional Arguments
  • self: Evision.ML.RTrees.t()

  • samples: Evision.Mat.

    training samples

  • layout: integer().

    See ml::SampleTypes.

  • responses: Evision.Mat.

    vector of responses associated with the training samples.

  • retval: bool

Python prototype (for reference only):

train(samples, layout, responses) -> retval
@spec write(Keyword.t()) :: any() | {:error, String.t()}
@spec write(t(), Evision.FileStorage.t()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}

Stores algorithm parameters in a file storage

Positional Arguments

Python prototype (for reference only):

write(fs) -> None
@spec write(t(), Evision.FileStorage.t(), binary()) :: t() | {:error, String.t()}


Positional Arguments

Has overloading in C++

Python prototype (for reference only):

write(fs, name) -> None